Living at Montecito At Dos Lagos includes the excellent perk of living close to beautiful natural surroundings. Because we love the views so much, it’s important to remember all the little steps we need to take each day to preserve our environment. You may not think your carbon footprint is very big, but by making a few small adjustments you can shrink your impact on the earth even further.
By being aware of the effects of many of your small, day-to-day routines, it will be easier to be kinder to the earth.These quick tips, courtesy of, will have you showing your green side in no time. Keep reading to learn more:
Adjust the Thermostat
Just because the heat is included in the rent does not mean you should crank the thermostat up to eighty, turning your living room into a warm-weather Jamaican resort. According to the Department of Energy, by turning your thermostat back 10° to 15° for 8 hours, you can save 5% to 15% a year on your heating bill -- a savings of as much as 1% for each degree if the setback period is eight hours long.
Avoid Plastic Bottles
Have you ever stood in the water aisle at the grocery store and wondered where all those plastic bottles end up? Just for starters, many of them end up in landfills where they take eons to break down; others end up floating around in the ocean. However, you can go green, cross the case of plastic water bottles off your grocery list, and attach a filter to your water faucet or purchase a filter pitcher, which does the same thing. For the best results, however, be sure to change the filter every three months.
Streamline Your Electricity Usage
Sometimes it’s difficult to remember to turn off the light every time you leave a room. If it’s a struggle to do that, chances are it will be a challenge to streamline your electricity usage by unplugging phone chargers, coffee makers and other appliances and gadgets when they are not being used. Many of these household items are electricity vampires. Once you get the hang of it and begin to see a significant difference in your electric bill, however, unplugging the unused appliances and gadgets and turning off the lights will become part of your daily routine.
Seriously, Don’t Forget the Plants
While turning your apartment into a sub-tropical jungle isn’t really feasible, or practical, incorporating plants into your living space is a great way to go green. Plants are more than decorative filler. While they are said to have a soothing effect on people, they also help clean the air. By absorbing carbon dioxide and emitting oxygen, plants cleanse the environment. They also remove toxic emissions like ammonia and benzene. The next time you're wondering how you can make your apartment more eco-friendly, all you have to do is take a trip to the local nursery.