Sunday, March 9, 2014

Procrastination - The Best Way To Declutter

(Image courtesy of serenejournal)

Growing up we were all told repeatedly to never put off until tomorrow what you can do today. For most aspects of our adult lives, this advice rings true - it’s generally not a good idea to let little projects pile up into sudden emergencies.

However, when it comes to decluttering your apartment, it may be best to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Sometimes, the best way to determine what you really need is to see what you dig out of your moving boxes first. This inspiring idea courtesy of shows us that maybe procrastination isn’t such a bad idea after all. Keep reading to decide for yourself!

To road test my theory, I applied the procrastination approach to unpacking the boxes in my new apartment and you know what? It works.

By unpacking by priority, I’m uncovering three major truths: First, I have a lot more stuff than I need. Second, I moved a few boxes to this place that I never unpacked at the last place either. Third, I’m not nearly as awesome at ruthlessly downsizing my clutter as I thought.

Reaping the rewards of inaction pretty much stops here – after all, after a month of only unpacking by necessity, the place is still kind of a wreck and I should probably track down that cable bill I know I tossed in a box on moving day.

But the good news is, by knowing what I don’t need, I’m in a better position to ditch the clutter (*Bonus! Most of it’s still in ready-to-donate boxes!) and better organize my life. After all, that way-too-high shelf in the back of the closet? It isn't for just anything – it’s for air conditioner manuals and important documents I never seem to need but am required to keep.

Now, post-procrastination, I know where it actually makes sense to keep the cutting boards in my new kitchen and I've come to terms with the fact that I don’t need to keep giving valuable under-the-sink real estate to curling irons and straighteners my hair has been far too short for for roughly the last 3 years.

Personal growth through inaction, people; I recommend it.


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